Mighty Men Movement

A California Network of Ministry to Men

Helping develop Godly men through worship based men’s prayer, discipleship and leadership training.

From Success To Significance #5

From Success To Significance Men & Women Breakfast About: Is a coming together of Men & Women that have gone from success to significance in their sphere of influence. It […]

$20.00 – $160.00
Find out more
13 June
Pardini’s, 2257 West Shaw Ave
Fresno, 93711 United States
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The Mighty Men Movement

At Mighty Men Movement we know that you want to see transformation in your church and communities. In order to do that, you need to develop Godly men through prayer, discipleship and leadership training. The problem is men’s ministry can feel like an add-on, without the support and finances necessary to do it well. This can make you feel like the task is overwhelming and not worth the effort. We believe men who are focused on leaving God honoring legacies change their families, churches and communities. We understand it can be difficult to work alone, which is why we’ve worked for the past decade to unite a movement of men’s ministry leaders for Kingdom impact.

Our country is in great spiritual need.

In response, the Mighty Men Movement, in partnership with Promise Keepers and Strategic Renewal, has issued a nationwide challenge to mobilize a million men to daily prayer.

The challenge is simple…
Commit to pray daily for the next 6-months.

<p”>Each week we will send you items to pray for including…
Family, Community, Church, Government, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment

<p”>Are you up for the challenge?

How We Do it


Christ centered ministry resources for use by pastors and men’s ministry leaders.


One-on-one help to resource you and your team for more effective men’s ministry.


Helping ministry leaders Pray, Plan, and Execute your God given vision with passion.


Bringing men of various backgrounds and cultures together to unify the Church.

COntact Us

Have a question?
Let us know how we can serve you.